
First steps with memgraph


My personal notes on my first steps with memgraph.

It is quite exiting to play with a new graph database that supports cypher and transactions, and that is open source.

Running it

I tend to run memgraph-platform like this:

docker run --name mg -it -p 7687:7687 -p 3000:3000 \
 -v mg_lib:/var/lib/memgraph \
 -v mg_etc:/etc/memgraph \
 -e MEMGRAPH="--bolt-server-name-for-init=Neo4j/" \


The “–bolt-server-name-for-init” in the above run statement allows me two things: I can connect with a neo4j browser, e.g. from “http://browser-canary.graphapp.io/” to the local memgraph. And I can use the bolt python driver to connect to the memgraph database, I needed to use space ” ” as login and password, btw.

To be fair it also works the other way around: you can ‘connect manually’ memgraph lab to a running neo4j instance.

To me, as a user, this is a good thing™: I can now switch databases and tools as I like. To me, these are the first steps towards a true ecosystem. It is a bit what SQL feels like - you can choose your own tools and can recombine elements of your workflow. Standardising the language opencypher goes into the same direction.

MAGE on speed

Coming from a python background, I find the ability to run python code on the server side quite appealing. To my excitement one can also speed up calculations quite a bit using numba.jit. For this to work one has to install numba in the docker container first:

docker exec -it mg bash
root@d7f0454a9085:/# pip3 install numba

(Creating a docker image that does that for you is left as an exercise to the reader)

I use a modified version of real python’s code to calculate fibonacci numbers for this. I create a new query module speedup

import random
import time

import mgp
from numba import jit

@jit()  # speedup of factor 400
def fibonacci_of(n):
  if not (isinstance(n, int) and n >= 0):
    raise ValueError(f'Positive integer number expected, got "{n}"')

  if n in {0, 1}:
    return n

  previous, fib_number = 0, 1

  for _ in range(2, n + 1):
    # Compute the next Fibonacci number, remember the previous one
    previous, fib_number = fib_number, previous + fib_number
  return fib_number

def doit(ctx: mgp.FuncCtx):
  start = time.time()
  out = 0
  for i in range(500):
    out += fibonacci_of(random.randint(20000, 30000))
  end = time.time()
  taken = start - end
  return f"{taken} {str(out)[:20]} {end}"

Once numba is installed and the query module is in place it can be called as:

RETURN speedup.doit();

The @jit line gives a speedup factor of 400!

The functions doit and fibonacci_of had to be separated, because numba.jit doesn’t seem to handle the mgp specific code. Even though this example is probably is of no use for graph use cases, it shows me:

Other observations


If labeled property graphs and cypher are your thing, give memgraph a go. I think it will be interesting to see how it holds up in real projects.