Components of the system
A currency can be time dollar, greenbuck, whatever one chooses to use
- id
- title
- nickname
- description
- icon
- selfjoin/invitation only
- default credit limit
- Credit limit per member
Transactions are multi currency movements between participants. One side can create one, the other side needs to accept the transaction to make it valid
- id (random id)
- title (reason, subject)
- description
- amount
- sender (can only be selected by currency admins, otherwise creator)
- target
These transactions get stored in a currency. Obviously, transactions
that would violate credit limits would not be allowed
Multi currency transaction form
This would allow to create transactions that involve multiple currencies. This is just a helper form, it actually does not add any new object to the system
- title (reason, subject)
- description
- sender (always the creator)
- target
- amount per currency (only shared currencies between sender and target)
This form would have a 'make transaction button', which would then generate the transactions in all currencies.