This draft is work in heavy progress. Do not consider it’s content stable in any sense as long as this note is present. Get in touch with [1] and fetch a recent copy [TBD].
This document describes the OpenCoin protocol which seeks to implement David Chaum’s concept of digital cash [2].
Opencoin consists of the following entities:
Currency is defined by an issuer and it can be used for various use cases (e.g. digital cash, balloting, vouchers)
Issuer defines a currency and provides the following services/data:
Certificate Authority (CA): masterkey, CDD (“currency description document”)
Mint is a service which signs blinded payload hashes and creates blinded signatures
Double Spending Data Base (DSDB) stores the serials (and potentially signatures) of all renewed coins in order to prevent its double spending. WHO IS QUERING THE DSDB? THE MINT, SERVICE OR AUTHORIZER?
Issuer services are:
- Information provides information of the issuer and currency (e.g. CDDs, mint key certificates, certificate revocation list (CRL))
- Validate is used by clients to request coins without having coins already. Usually the validate service may ask the Authorizer whether to approve or reject particular requests. This service is usually used to convert value of another payment system to opencoin.
- Renew is used by clients to renew existing coins. The client needs to provide valid coins and blinds of the same total value. The Renew service validates against the DSDB and in the valid case mints the provided blinds. Usually clients who received coins during a transaction are supposed to call this service to ensure the received coins are valid (and not spend before).
- Invalidate converts valid coins into a different payment system.
Authorizer verifies validation requests and responds to the mint with an authorization or rejection. This component may interface with other payment/account systems in order to convert value from another payment system to the particular currency.
Client is the application of a user which interacts with the other entities. It manages the wallet.
Tokens are payloads, blinds, and coins. Their lifecycle is:
Client: creates yet unsigned payload (“blank”)
Client: ==[padded hash]==> payload hash
Client: ==[blind]==> blinded payload hash (“blind”)
- Mint: ==[sign]==> signature of blinded payload hash
a.k.a blind signature of payload hash a.k.a (“blind signature”)
Client: ==[unblind]==> signature of payload hash
- Client: ==[combine with unsigned payload]==> signed payload
a.k.a. “coin”
Payload is prepared by the client (and while it doesn’t have a signature it’s called “blank”)
Blind is the blinded padded hash of a payload. It is send from the client to the mint.
Coin consists of a payload and the mint’s signature of the particular payload.
Wallet is a file which contains tokens (e.g. coins) and is managed by the client.
Alice should fetch and verify CDD [revocation check of master key]
Alice should fetch and verify current Mintkeys [revocation check]
Alice creates new payloads (“blanks”)
Alice requests validation [authorization might happen here]
Mint responds with signatures [or delay]
Alice unblinds and verifies signatures
Alice attaches signatures to payloads (results in coins)
Alice sends coins to Bob
(Bob might respond “received” to Alice. Trusted case.)
- If not cached, Bob fetches and verify CDD. [revocation check of
master key]
Bob selects preferred denominations for new coins.
Bob should fetch and verify mint key certificates associated with selected denominations and received coins, if not cached. [revocation check] To mitigate traffic analysis, client may want to fetch more keys than required.
Bob verifies coins using mint key
Bob creates new payloads
Bob requests renewal
Mint signs blinds
- Mint writes old coins in dsdb
- Instant response:
- Mint responds with signatures
- Bob unblinds and verifies signatures
- Bob attaches signatures to payloads (->coins)
- (Bob might respond OK to Alice)
- Delayed response:
- Mint responds with ‘delayed’
- (Bob might respond OK to Alice)
- Bob requests resume
- Mint responds with signatures
- Bob unblinds and verifies signatures
- Bob attaches signatures to payloads (->coins)
- (Bob might respond OK to Alice)
Bob requests invalidate (with authorizer or payment (?) message)
Issuer stores old coins in dsdb
Issuer responds with OK (and does whatever is required)
struct <name> = {
- type: “<type name>”,
- some explaination
- <type-dependent field> [, <type-dependent field>[...]]
- even more explaination
The following limits are defined to allow clients handling data more easily.
- Maximum list length = 2^16 entries. Lists are not sorted unless mentioned explicitly. It is used for denominations and service URLs for instance.
- signed (?) integers (weights, denomination, display factor) = 4 bytes (32 bit)
- String length = 2^16 bytes
- Date: UTC
- date: ISO8601, extended format, always UTC, e.g. 2009-01-01T12:00:00Z
- BigInts are encoded as hex
- Integer in their decimal presentation
- crypto_random_number: 128 bit, high entropy random number, hexstring
This is the format for signing the container.
Mandatory: Container encryption DRAFT
There are RFC drafts with the same goal. These might be worth considering:
- OCSP/CRL of mint key certificates. Should be empty in normal case.
- wallet
- Glue certificates
struct encrypted = {
- type = “encrypted”
- encypt + sign
reference = string
- cipher = string
- ‘aes’
- data = ???
- crypt(container)
Even though the actual public key definitions are specified somewhere else, the examples are given using RSA, because thats what we use in the examples below.
struct: PublicKey = {
- type = “rsa public key”
- modulus = hexstring
- public_exponent = hexstring
"modulus": "becac6b3d8c588a2a0601261bb9b9ad82427122dc0fef1053e6d9c74126dff3bf",
"public_exponent": "10001",
"type": "rsa public key"
For simplicity reasons, the terminology defines a CDD as containing a signature/certificate.
struct: CDD = {
- type = “cdd”
- protocol version = URL
- An URL to the protocol standard being used for the coin.
- cdd location = URL
- This is not an identifier. This URL is required to be embedded in payloads. (DOES IT NEED TO BE UNIQUE FOR EACH CDD AND VERSION?)
- cdd serial number = positive integer, incremental
- Purpose is to distinguish different versions of a CDD
- cdd signing date = date
- cdd expiry date = date or None
- We want to allow a controlled rollover, temporary systems. This is the expiry date of the CDD.
- currency name = string
- e.g. Open Cent
- currency divisor = positive integer
- value/display divisor == display value in unit display name; For instance a divisor of 100 to express cent values for Euro or Dollar
- info service = weighted_list_of_URLs
Weighted to also allows round-robin, but also proper preference. The info service is for:
- CDDs
- mint key certificates
- certificate revocation list (CRL)
- icons and other funky shiny stuff
- validation_service = weighted_list_of_URLs
Where to send the validation messages
- renewal_service = weighted_list_of_URLs
- [[weight,URL],...]
- invalidation_service = weighted_list_of_URLs
- [[weight,URL],...]
- denominations = list_of_integers
[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100...]
negative denominations may be allowed but clients may not be able to handle it and reject the currency
- issuer_cipher_suite = string
example: SHA512-RSA-CHAUM83
- issuer_public_master_key = JSON dict construct
This depends on used crypto algorithm.
it seems that the only valid identifier of the currency is the master key. A shorter hash of this key may be displayed to allow its manual verification by users. This key MUST be changed if hash or signing algorithm changes.]]
- additional info = string or None
- there might be additions
struct: CDDC = {
- type = “cdd certificate”
- cdd = cdd
- signature = signature
A complete CDD serialized into JSON may look like this:
"type" : "cdd certificate",
"cdd" : {
"protocol_version": "",
"cdd_location": "",
"issuer_cipher_suite": "RSA-SHA512-CHAUM86",
"issuer_public_master_key": {
"modulus": "becac6b3d8c588a2a0601261bb9b9ad82427122dc0fef1053e6d9c74126dff3bf",
"public_exponent": "10001",
"type": "rsa public key"
"cdd_serial": 1,
"cdd_signing_date": "2012-12-30T10:46:00Z",
"cdd_expiry_date": "2014-12-31T22:59:59Z",
"currency_name": "OpenCent",
"currency_divisor": 100,
"info_service": [[10,""]],
"validation_service": [[10,""],
"renewal_service": [[10,""]],
"invalidation_service": [[10,""]],
"denominations": [1,2,5],
"additional_info": "",
"type": "cdd"
"signature" : "8a48179b4666e573a75a9e9cbc5de1d2e0ce5c68f8e869c40160badebc6442cc8"
For simplicity reasons, the terminology defines a mint key as containing a signature/certificate.
struct: mint key = {
- type = “mint key”
- id = hexstring(hash(public mint key))
- MUST be verified when receiving a mint_key. [[Why? Isn’t the signature sufficient ?]]
- issuer_id = hexstring
- hexstring(hash(public master key))
- cdd_serial = integer
- Allows unique relation to CDD version but may be ignored by clients for now.
- public_mint_key = PublicKey
- depending on used crypto suite.
- denomination = integer
- The actual denomination is calculated by dividing this denomination with the currency_divisor of the CDD.
- sign_coins_not_before = Date
- sign_coins_not_after = Date
- coins_expiry_date = Date
struct: mint key certificate = {
- type = “mint key certificate”
- mint_key = mint key
- signature = signature
- The mint key is signed with the issuer master key.
"mint_key": {
"id": "ae2f918e6eea72816a3be9709486da22f58e9ec16e40c896ac947a0b976ed452",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_serial": 1,
"public_mint_key": {
"modulus": "83f904a772c613a45b611c6e0ccb9cd49325edd5d362491d6f9c951ef6261fd7d",
"public_exponent": "10001",
"type": "rsa public key"
"denomination": 1,
"sign_coins_not_before": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"sign_coins_not_after": "2013-06-30T00:00:00Z",
"coins_expiry_date": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"type": "mint key"
"signature": "8e04d53fca6fd57c1bf1d7bfdec9996494956511ddda54315827cdbb9b30e5e29",
"type": "mint key certificate"
struct: payload = {
- type = “payload”
- protocol_version = URL
- issuer_id = string
- hexstring(hash(public master key))
- cdd_location = URL
Hint to download the CDD if not available anyway. Useful for clients to “bootstrap” a yet unknown currency.
- denomination = integer
- Only a hint, not verified value. Denomination MUST be verified by checking the mint key’s denomination.
- mint_key_id = hexstring
hexstring(hash(public mint key))
The hex encoded hash of the issuer’s public key. It may differ depending on denomination, validity period and currency.
- serial = hexstring
hexstring(128bit random number)
This random value is generated by clients. It is used to identify coins and prevent double spending. Once the coin is spent, the serial will be stored in the issuer’s DSDB. Because of its sufficient long length it is supposed to be unique for each coin. A high entropy (crypto grade quality) is important.
"protocol_version": "",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_location": "",
"denomination": 5,
"mint_key_id": "0ff9bdc16eea8b9ff636b9289962ea95b849fd79c98febacab33170e1f4b038d",
"serial": "b7204e667d09e176e4f6e3504ec7b465",
"type": "payload"
The main element of a blind is the blinded payload hash, which is created by:
- serialize the payload (using bencode [3])
- hash the serialized data
- apply the rsa blinding operation to the hash.
struct: blind = {
- type = “blinded payload hash”
- reference = integer
To be chosen by client in order to reference between blinded payload and blind signature. Can be random or incremental but should be unique within one gwop.
MUST NOT be derived from serial number or blinded factor.
- blinded_payload_hash = hexstring
RSA_blind(BigInt(hash(serialize(payload)))) ECC_blind(ECC_Point(hash(serialize(payload))))
- mint_key_id = hexstring
hexstring(hash(public mint key))
The client should select a random mint key (for the appropriate denomination) to prevent the issuer from smuggling in tracking information by using a particular key.
"reference": "r_0",
"blinded_payload_hash": "2aed4b188576b94f8898909d8e75707dc7a48951579508930a946a4acd5454e87",
"mint_key_id": "ae2f918e6eea72816a3be9709486da22f58e9ec16e40c896ac947a0b976ed452",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
struct: blind signature = {
- type = “blind signature”
- reference = integer
- blind_signature = hexstring
- hexstring(signature(blinded_payload_hash))
"reference": "r_0",
"blind_signature": "337c6f69953d91c39fa0913a6fdc8c916d40ddf82a86f733aa501e2b8f2b9519b",
"type": "blind signature"
struct: coin = {
- type = “coin”
- payload = payload
- signature = hexstring
A hex encoded RSA signature from the issuer (it’s private key) over the SHA-256 hash of the payload.
"payload": {
"protocol_version": "",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_location": "",
"denomination": 5,
"mint_key_id": "0ff9bdc16eea8b9ff636b9289962ea95b849fd79c98febacab33170e1f4b038d",
"serial": "b7204e667d09e176e4f6e3504ec7b465",
"type": "payload"
"signature": "6f942455e0c154adadbec13873366ce682dd5e3d03540cf05424d33f1e0b95fc0",
"type": "coin"
Requests the currently active serial number.
struct: request_cdd_serial = {
- type = “Request cdd serial”
- Request the serial of latest CDD
- message_reference: integer
- Client internal message reference
"message_reference": 0,
"type": "request cdd serial"
Gives the currently active cdd serial number.
struct: response_cdd_serial = {
- type = “response cdd serial”
- message_reference = integer
- status_code = integer
- status_description = string
- cdd_serial = integer
"message_reference": 0,
"status_code": 200,
"status_description": "ok",
"cdd_serial": 1,
"type": "response cdd serial"
Request a currency description document (CDD).
struct: request_cdd = {
- type = “request cdd”
- message_reference = integer
- cdd_serial = integer
- not null to fetch specific cdd version
"message_reference": 1,
"cdd_serial": 1,
"type": "request cdd"
Returns the Currency Description Document.
struct: response_cdd = {
- type = “response cdd”
- message_reference = integer
- status_code = integer
- status_description = string
- cdd = cddc
"message_reference": 1,
"status_code": 200,
"status_description": "ok",
"cdd": {
"cdd": {
"protocol_version": "",
"cdd_location": "",
"issuer_cipher_suite": "RSA-SHA512-CHAUM86",
"issuer_public_master_key": {
"modulus": "becac6b3d8c588a2a0601261bb9b9ad82427122dc0fef1053e6d9c74126dff3bf",
"public_exponent": "10001",
"type": "rsa public key"
"cdd_serial": 1,
"cdd_signing_date": "2012-12-30T10:46:00Z",
"cdd_expiry_date": "2014-12-31T22:59:59Z",
"currency_name": "OpenCent",
"currency_divisor": 100,
"info_service": [[10,""]],
"validation_service": [[10,""],
"renewal_service": [[10,""]],
"invalidation_service": [[10,""]],
"denominations": [1,2,5],
"additional_info": "",
"type": "cdd"
"signature": "8a48179b4666e573a75a9e9cbc5de1d2e0ce5c68f8e869c40160badebc6442cc8",
"type": "cdd certificate"
"type": "response cdd"
Request the minting keys.
struct: request_mint_keys = {
- type = ‘request mint keys’
- message_reference = integer
- mint_key_ids = [mint_key_id,mint_key_id]
- for specific keys
- denominations:[d,d,d]
for most recent version
If both fields are empty, all latest mint keys will be responded. If both are provided, all current keys for the particular denominations as well as the mint keys with the specific ID will be provided.
"message_reference": 2,
"mint_key_ids": [
"denominations": [],
"type": "request mint keys"
Return the minting keys.
"message_reference": 2,
"status_code": 200,
"status_description": "ok",
"keys": [
"mint_key": {
"id": "ae2f918e6eea72816a3be9709486da22f58e9ec16e40c896ac947a0b976ed452",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_serial": 1,
"public_mint_key": {
"modulus": "83f904a772c613a45b611c6e0ccb9cd49325edd5d362491d6f9c951ef6261fd7d",
"public_exponent": "10001",
"type": "rsa public key"
"denomination": 1,
"sign_coins_not_before": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"sign_coins_not_after": "2013-06-30T00:00:00Z",
"coins_expiry_date": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"type": "mint key"
"signature": "8e04d53fca6fd57c1bf1d7bfdec9996494956511ddda54315827cdbb9b30e5e29",
"type": "mint key certificate"
"type": "response mint keys"
Request the validation of blinds. This is the case of withdrawing cash from the atm. The user needs to authenticate themselfs, most likely using a method outside the opencoin protocol, e.g. using ssl client certificates.
struct: request_validation = {
- type = “request validation”
- message_reference = integer
- transaction_reference = hexstring
- crypto_random_number
- authorization_info = string
- ...
- blinds = [n blinds]
- ...
"message_reference": 5,
"transaction_reference": "c6524415dc6a6a29e5906592152986ca",
"authorization_info": "my secret",
"blinds": [
"reference": "r_0",
"blinded_payload_hash": "2aed4b188576b94f8898909d8e75707dc7a48951579508930a946a4acd5454e87",
"mint_key_id": "ae2f918e6eea72816a3be9709486da22f58e9ec16e40c896ac947a0b976ed452",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
"reference": "r_1",
"blinded_payload_hash": "607aa7019c620f096ea9baeb5985113b95fb1d1cfd57ae7eb02fee873ee478e95",
"mint_key_id": "198c351fd446898285f3c6af4e5c85d86ac23cb3dd016f3f2794983d2a1a10c1",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
"reference": "r_2",
"blinded_payload_hash": "8298671d55e63ff31e47a040b990ac14be2909f77c4612e0a58d05f0057812c4f",
"mint_key_id": "198c351fd446898285f3c6af4e5c85d86ac23cb3dd016f3f2794983d2a1a10c1",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
"reference": "r_3",
"blinded_payload_hash": "862e3ccc95bfe69524b7ee7db720c915fb02faf9b641909ef29c674d6cf044d2",
"mint_key_id": "0ff9bdc16eea8b9ff636b9289962ea95b849fd79c98febacab33170e1f4b038d",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
"type": "request validation"
Return the blind signatures for the blinds given in either a Request Minting or Request Renewal request.
struct: response_minting = {
- type = “response minting”
- message_reference = integer
- status_code = integer
- status_description = string
- retry_after: Datetime
- not empty if status 3XX / timestamp instead or for asynchronous communication
- blind_signatures: [blind_signature,...]
- not empty if status 2XX
"message_reference": 6,
"status_code": 200,
"status_description": "ok",
"blind_signatures": [
"reference": "r_0",
"blind_signature": "337c6f69953d91c39fa0913a6fdc8c916d40ddf82a86f733aa501e2b8f2b9519b",
"type": "blind signature"
"reference": "r_1",
"blind_signature": "23e214c88bcee6c3eb306c7d4022c4f4913be55763d16e822737a8c797b7c1204",
"type": "blind signature"
"reference": "r_2",
"blind_signature": "377299d716822d7209177651d0a5dadf61cc6ec7838b075fbe8bbbf6ed8709881",
"type": "blind signature"
"reference": "r_3",
"blind_signature": "10a00af5e59848a35ffc6458ed327565488f538f8b238a2d204fb33172cc296c2",
"type": "blind signature"
"type": "response minting"
Send coins to someone, most likely between peers.
struct: send_coins = {
- type = “send coins”
- message_reference = integer
- Message ID to allow a reference of response message.
- subject = string
- Information for recipient
- coins = [n coins]
"message_reference": 8,
"subject": "payment 1",
"coins": [
"payload": {
"protocol_version": "",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_location": "",
"denomination": 5,
"mint_key_id": "0ff9bdc16eea8b9ff636b9289962ea95b849fd79c98febacab33170e1f4b038d",
"serial": "b7204e667d09e176e4f6e3504ec7b465",
"type": "payload"
"signature": "6f942455e0c154adadbec13873366ce682dd5e3d03540cf05424d33f1e0b95fc0",
"type": "coin"
"type": "send coins"
Bob has received coins from Alice, and now needs to replace the ‘old’ coins by new ones, based on blinds that he creates.
struct: request_renewal = {
- type = “request renewal”
- message_reference: integer
- transaction_reference = hexstring
- crypto_random_number
- coins = [n coins]
- blinds: [n blinds]
"message_reference": 2,
"transaction_reference": "fa5e6c1ab1bf09ab666321b2c7be2b3d",
"coins": [
"payload": {
"protocol_version": "",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_location": "",
"denomination": 5,
"mint_key_id": "0ff9bdc16eea8b9ff636b9289962ea95b849fd79c98febacab33170e1f4b038d",
"serial": "b7204e667d09e176e4f6e3504ec7b465",
"type": "payload"
"signature": "6f942455e0c154adadbec13873366ce682dd5e3d03540cf05424d33f1e0b95fc0",
"type": "coin"
"blinds": [
"reference": "r_0",
"blinded_payload_hash": "53648eea020c03ed81d64f2f9f0de6eab1307926f86466dfe00b3a9a37f64e9a9",
"mint_key_id": "198c351fd446898285f3c6af4e5c85d86ac23cb3dd016f3f2794983d2a1a10c1",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
"reference": "r_1",
"blinded_payload_hash": "89fbef47210fd0ae12ec2e13decc12d36d06c2746a383c75ffc4a27136b7acdda",
"mint_key_id": "198c351fd446898285f3c6af4e5c85d86ac23cb3dd016f3f2794983d2a1a10c1",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
"reference": "r_2",
"blinded_payload_hash": "4c80ddc9edde4913ce70acc4facbd4b8d04fea9a86dac4425fad821244e486c12",
"mint_key_id": "ae2f918e6eea72816a3be9709486da22f58e9ec16e40c896ac947a0b976ed452",
"type": "blinded payload hash"
"type": "request renewal"
Confirm that Bob has received the coins. Optional Message.
struct: received_coins = {
- type = ‘received coins’
- message_reference = integer
- This is the id of the original ‘Send Coins’ message
- status_code = integer
- status_description: string
"message_reference": 8,
"status_code": 200,
"status_description": "ok",
"type": "received coins"
‘Redeem’ some coins. This is used to send coins back to the issuer, removing them from circulation. Most likely the issuer will credit some form of account of the user. The user will have to authenticate herself by e.g. ssl client certificates.
struct: request_invalidation = {
- type = “request invalidation”
- message_reference = integer
- authorization_info = string
- coins = [n coins]
"message_reference": 3,
"authorization_info": "my account",
"coins": [
"payload": {
"protocol_version": "",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_location": "",
"denomination": 2,
"mint_key_id": "198c351fd446898285f3c6af4e5c85d86ac23cb3dd016f3f2794983d2a1a10c1",
"serial": "f5732837a4ddea4141c6cbcc1cc39142",
"type": "payload"
"signature": "dc0eb11b62cc3ea42ac83d96c7b28f8fbe58ae1ccb0300da3112db7ae4981778",
"type": "coin"
"payload": {
"protocol_version": "",
"issuer_id": "6897de0948d16e72556dfe70b21c49ba20e9d334313ab3cc779e5fee676a9c87",
"cdd_location": "",
"denomination": 1,
"mint_key_id": "ae2f918e6eea72816a3be9709486da22f58e9ec16e40c896ac947a0b976ed452",
"serial": "a127a84c01a579de35764d0c15338680",
"type": "payload"
"signature": "5408ea882a933c91bb7b890646ee2ee8467f3c9b6115765b5c6a6abbabfb6fb0e",
"type": "coin"
"type": "request invalidation"
Confirmation that the coins were ‘redeemed’
struct: response_invalidation = {
- type = “response invalidation”
- message_reference = integer
- status_code: integer
- status_description: string
"message_reference": 3,
"status_code": 200,
"status_description": "ok",
"type": "response invalidation"
If one of the Request Minting/Request Renewal messages answered with a delay, this message will continue the transaction, effectively asking for the delivery of coins.
struct: request_resume = {
- type = “request resume”
- message_reference = integer
- transaction_reference: hexstring
- crypto_random_number
"message_reference": 6,
"transaction_reference": "c6524415dc6a6a29e5906592152986ca",
"type": "request resume"
- Mandatory: Fees
- Payment requests
- “Internet ATM”
- escrow (trusted third party) (fair exchanges without third party)
- currency exchanges
- receipts
- get cdd -> cdd certificate
- get mintkey -> mint key certificates
- get crl/ocsp
- validate: (blinds, + authorizer information) -> delayed/(blind signatures)
- renew: (blinds, coins) -> delayed/(blind signatures)
- invalidate (coins, + authorizer information)
- resume: transactionid -> delayed / (blind signatures)
- transaction: (coins A, coins B + optional cdd, messagestring)
mint key certificates
certificate revocation list (CRL)
icons and other funky shiny stuff
(1, xmpp://]
renewal service = weighted_list_of_URLs
invalidation service = weighted_list_of_URLs
Should the Public Key structure contain the cipher suite or should the cipher suite remain defined outside, next to the public key?
Self referencing field names: Change name of cdd_location, cdd_serial, cdd_signing_date, cdd_expiry_date and remove the “cdd” prefix from their names?
Should we allow negative denominations? -> JS: For the issuer implementation I assume “no”.
2nd signature (by old masterkey) in new CDD
Glue certificates
Protocol rollover?
Move cdd_location from token to gwop?
Alice marks token for bob
How often should the CDD be fetched? Is this security related?
OCSP or CRL? CRL may be cheaper.
should the issuer enforce the order in which renewal requests are processed (order or requests = order of responses) regarding competing requests containing same coins
Shall the “hold-back time” be mentioned into the CDD
Does the client need the option to say “Do not send me a DELAY”?
hash: sha512
padding: ??
7 bit serialization: HAS TO BE DEFINED
[1] | The OpenCoin project <> |
[2] | David Chaum, “Blind signatures for untraceable payments”, Advances in Cryptology - Crypto ‘82, Springer-Verlag (1983), 199-203. |
[3] | Bencode Wikipedia page <> |